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У поколением знаменитого хэтчбека Volkswagen Golf, однако уже к концу лета
Многотонный демо-трак Harley-Davidson доставляет американскую мечту прямо к порогу твоего дома.
Электрический суперкар Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG стал самым быстрым электрокаром Нюрбургринга
В этом номере: тест-драйв бизнес-седана Peugeot 508, обзор событий недели на рынке Украины
Car rental in Moldova

If you decide to use the services of car rental, but have not yet decided what kind of car you need, we are pleased to present you with a complete list of cars in our fleet.

The cost of a particular group of cars depends on the selected rental period. To accurately determine the prices, go to the order page. Unfortunately we can not guarantee the provision of a specific car in your chosen group, but we always take into account your wishes.

About company

The PRIMAUTO company provides car rental services in Chisinau for a wide audience. By contacting us, you can rent a car directly at the Chisinau International Airport in Moldova. We offer unique solutions and special rates. Renting a car will not take you much time and our manager will assist you in choosing a car and filling out the paperwork. Our company offers a wide range of rental cars from budget to more expensive and representative models. Car rental at Chisinau airport is profitable, fast and reliable!

Contact us :
+373 (69) 922 424
+373 (69) 879 796
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